COVID-19 Update
We have the great pleasure to share with you the organization of the coming academic year for our MSc in International Hospitality Management. Please note, that emlyon business school and Institut Lyfe are committed to providing you with academic excellence and the best student experience possible as well as ensuring our students’ safety. Of course, the organization of the 1st academic semester (September to December 2020) will depend on the current and upcoming government regulations regarding the COVID-19 epidemic. As such, we may have to address a few changes in the planning to respect these upcoming regulations.
Before the start of the year
Reopening of international borders on July 1st: European borders have reopened since July 1st, allowing enrolled students to be able to come to France for their studies. The French government is committed to prioritizing students’ visa maximizing our students’ chances to be on campus in France for the start of the year. We are committed to helping students in this endeavor.
Academic courses
Term 1: Students are divided into 2 tracks:
- Accelerated track students will begin classes online with the Professional Immersion Module on August 24 and in person classes 2 weeks later. After this module, all classes will be available either on site or online until October 12 when classes will be onsite only.
- Advanced track students will begin classes online or onsite on September 23. All classes will be available either on site or online until October 12 when classes will be onsite only.
If students are unable to be in Lyon by October 12, they will join the program directly for the 2nd semester in Paris in January 2021. Those students will be able do their 1st semester in the Fall of 2021. The learning modules are not sequential, and student performance will not be adversely affected by changing the order of semesters.
Term 2: We expect term 2 to go on as usual on campus at emlyon business school’s campus in Paris where classes are held.
Term 3: Term 3 for Masters of Science will go on as usual on our emlyon business school campus in Shanghai.
Access to emlyon business school’s and Institut Lyfe’s campuses
All campuses will be open for students starting September.
Students are welcome and encouraged to come to campus to have the best emlyon and IPB experience!